District Departments
Dr. Lan Eberle, Superintendent
Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
The basic curriculum emphasizes reading, spelling, composition, handwriting, mathematics, social studies, and science. In addition, health, art, music, and physical education instruction is provided to all students either by a specialist or by the classroom teacher. Each building places emphasis on a well equipped library/media center. A variety of instruction materials including textbooks, supplementary books, films, videos, television, listening stations, and software are utilized by pupils and teachers.
Food Services
The school lunch is the foundation of the food service program and provides at least one third of the child’s daily nutritional requirements for good health, established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Brown County School District maintains two kitchens in order to provide a lunch in every school to each student. Brown County School District participates in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. Parents of students who cannot afford to purchase breakfast or lunch may be eligible to eat free or at a reduced rate. Please request an application from your student’s building office. In addition to saving families money, the free/reduced program also provides financial assistance for technology funding for the school district. Students can pay for lunch on a daily basis, but monthly is preferred. Please check with your student to see how many days they will be eating breakfast and lunch at school.
School food services helps contribute to the education of the child in three ways:
1) Physical well-being
2) Mental receptivity
3) Knowledge of food and application of good eating habits